About Me

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Sudbury, Suffolk, United Kingdom
I am a textile artist living on the Suffolk Essex border. I am a member of the Out of the Fold Textile Group and East Anglian Stitched Textiles (EAST) I am the Principal Tutor for Creative Stitch which offers courses in Creative Patchwork and Quilting and Creative Stitch Textiles. I teach each year at the Knitting & Stitching Shows and Festival of Quilts. I also offer workshops and talks to groups throughout the UK in person and via zoom. I am also a member of the QGBI and the specialist Contemporary Quilt Group and STARS (formerly Suffolk West Embroiderers Guild)

Sunday 4 August 2024

Proud tutor moments at Festival of Quilts 2024

Part of my role as tutor on the Advanced Stitched Textiles course with Creative Stitch is to encourage students to exhibit their work. This incudes entering pieces into the Festival of Quilts. This year two students exhibited in the 3D Quilt Creations category.

Karen Cade entered her stack of cards portraying her 'Surplus Women' with each textile card featuring a woman who had to make her own way in the world after being denied the chance of marriage after so many men were killed in WW1.

Women entered the professions as doctors. nurses, teachers, accountants and engineers during this period and changed society, paving the way for working women today.

Here it is displayed on a plinth in the gallery. See by 20,000 visitor to the show

Karen attended the show with her mother, sister and niece to see in in situ. 

Philippa Taitt entered her fantasy costume - a jacket inspired by the fictional character 'Harwin Pike' an eel catcher from the Fens

Here he is displayed along with his eel!

Philippa invented a whole background story about the eel catcher who came to a very sticky end. 

Philippa was invited by the organisers of Festial of Quilts to take part in the Sunday afternoon catwalk of wearable art and here is the video. 

It was great to see students being celebrated in this way. So proud of them both.


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