About Me

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Sudbury, Suffolk, United Kingdom
I am a textile artist living on the Suffolk Essex border. I am a member of the Out of the Fold Textile Group and East Anglian Stitched Textiles (EAST) I am the Principal Tutor for Creative Stitch which offers courses in Creative Patchwork and Quilting and Creative Stitch Textiles. I teach each year at the Knitting & Stitching Shows and Festival of Quilts. I also offer workshops and talks to groups throughout the UK in person and via zoom. I am also a member of the QGBI and the specialist Contemporary Quilt Group and STARS (formerly Suffolk West Embroiderers Guild)

Monday 5 August 2024

Extremely proud tutor moment


Penny Evans completed the Advanced Stitched Textiles course in 2022. As part of the course she designed and created a fantastic fantasy costume assessment inspired by the Seri silk moth.

Encouraged by her tutor, and other members of the exhibiting group Out of the Fold of which we are both members, Penny entered her costume into the 3D Quilt Creations category at Festival of Quilts 2024.

Penny was awarded first prize and here she is in the winners gallery alongside her creation.

The show had almost 20,000 visitors over four days at the NEC in Birmingham

Happily Penny was in Birmingham on Thursday 1st August to attend the awards ceremony and receive her prize from www.joecunninghamquilts.com/

The winners of all the Festival of Quilt categories go on to be shown at the Knitting and Stitching Shows in London
www.theknittingandstitchingshow.com/london from 10th - 13th October 2024 and in Harrogate 
from - 24th November 2024

Penny showing off her trophy which she received along with the prize money of £1000. 

It is just the best feeling when a student, now friend and fellow exibitor with Out of the Fold, achieves recognition for their talent and dedication. So proud of you Penny. 

You can see all the entries into the Quilt Creations Category here

Maybe I should enter something next year?

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