About Me

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Sudbury, Suffolk, United Kingdom
I am a textile artist living on the Suffolk Essex border. I am a member of the Out of the Fold Textile Group and East Anglian Stitched Textiles (EAST) I am the Principal Tutor for Creative Stitch which offers courses in Creative Patchwork and Quilting and Creative Stitch Textiles. I teach each year at the Knitting & Stitching Shows and Festival of Quilts. I also offer workshops and talks to groups throughout the UK in person and via zoom. I am also a member of the QGBI and the specialist Contemporary Quilt Group and STARS (formerly Suffolk West Embroiderers Guild)

Friday 5 July 2024

Creative Stitch Graduate Show - two weeks to go


Creative Stitch students are completing their assessments and preparing for the Graduate Show which wil be held on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st July 2024.

10am - 4pm each day

Venue: Needham Market Community Hall, School Street, Needham Market, Suffolk IP6 8BB

Entry £4 

There will be 9 Advanced Stitched Textiles students exhibiting as well as 8 Creative Stitched Textiles students with an incredible variety of work on show

This is a colourful detail from the final piece made by Jenna Kitchen

As well as colour expect to see great examples of texture created using various techniques. 
This is a detail from a jacket made by Louise Haywood

To see the whole thing please come aong to the show and talk to the maker!

Advanced students work on their chosen theme throughout the two year course with reading and research being an important part of the process. 

Karen Cade has produced an impressive series of work based on her theme of 'Surplus Women'

This tiny detail just gives a hint of the story telling behind her work. Come along to the show and talk to Karen and the other makers.

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