About Me

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Sudbury, Suffolk, United Kingdom
I am a textile artist living on the Suffolk Essex border. I am a member of the Out of the Fold Textile Group and East Anglian Stitched Textiles (EAST) I am the Principal Tutor for Creative Stitch which offers courses in Creative Patchwork and Quilting and Creative Stitch Textiles. I teach each year at the Knitting & Stitching Shows and Festival of Quilts. I also offer workshops and talks to groups throughout the UK in person and via zoom. I am also a member of the QGBI and the specialist Contemporary Quilt Group and STARS (formerly Suffolk West Embroiderers Guild)

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Monoprint Magic workshop


I have designed a brand new workshop especially for Eau Brink Studio which will take place on 28th and 29th June 2024

We will collect leaves and plants from the lush surroundings of the studio an use these for mono printing and to make stamps. Combining paints and inks with the semi transparent cotton organdie fabric to create unique pieces of cloth. Students can choose to work in their preferred colour ways.

Having created the fabrics on day one we will change out of our aprons and set up machines for a 'clean' day of stitching. Using the contemporary Pojagi piecing technique and combining mono printed fabrics with plain and dyed organdie.

These stitched panels will grow quite quickly and make up into double-sided, semi transparent panels which 'glow' in the light. Ideal to hang in a window or against a light wall. 

These organdie pieces use the warm pink/red/organge palette but I will be doing lots more exploration using different colours before the workshop. Now that spring is finally here and the leaves are plentiful

To book the workshop please contact Eau Brink Studio directly.

Website www.eaubrinkstudio.co.uk

Email: admin@eaubrinkstudio.co.uk

Telephone: 01553 611009

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